Tuesday, April 28, 2015

5 great reasons why you should own a dog

5 great reasons why you should own a dog

Before I begin congratulate me because this is my first post on a topic about dogs since I started this blog. Your love and appreciation renew my energy levels.

Nothing in life happens without a sale & some people need more convincing than others. This is my attempt to convince you on why you should own  a dog, if you haven’t yet.

I have enlisted here 5 no nonsense reasons why should go ahead and own a dog. These are reasons in which I believe in strongly because I was surrounded by dogs from the time I was a toddler till I became an adult.

1) Unconditional love – This is the most important factor which I have observed. A dog showers all his love on to his owner, irrespective of how the owner might treat him. His owner may get angry on him at times, but the dog never forgets to love him. Has it happened to you that you returned home and forgot to look at your dog, acknowledge his presence but still he made sure he greeted you, was happy to see you? That is what I mean unconditional love.

2) Stress Buster – Dogs (rather all pets) are biggest real stress busters mechanisms one can have in life. Who does not love to see a wagging tail & eyes full of joy waiting to welcome you after a hard days work? Has it ever happened with you that you returned home after having a bad day at work and after you spent time with your dog it made you feel relaxed and happy?

3) Security – A pet dog makes sure that you will never feel alone in times of loneliness (or) gloominess. A dog ensures that he protects his home from strangers. The intensity of alertness and aggression to repel strangers varies from one dog breed to another but in general they help to keep things tight.

4) Physical Fitness - Owning a dog may help you stay motivated getting outdoors with him. A stroll in a nearby park or a long walk early morning can prove beneficial to improve one’s health. Studies have also shown that being in a company of dog helps reduce stress & lower blood pressure. It has also been concluded way back in 1980 by epidemiologist Erika Friedman that heart patients who owned dogs survived at a rate over 20% than those folks who didn’t own a dog.

5) Social Connections – This is a great way to make new social connections. If you own a great breed of dog, people will remember you for years because of him. Having a dog may prove easy to start conversations between strangers when you are walking them outside your home. Kids love to interact with people who own dogs and are desperate to pet dogs they see.

Of all the reasons I have mentioned above I have experienced almost every single reason myself. I hope that this post will inspire you to own a dog and get a life long friend with whom you can share everything you want!

Open for your feedback & criticism as always!

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