Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Anticipating dog behavior

Anticipating dog behavior
People want their dogs to play and that will not cause problems. If the animal proves inappropriate conduct, seeks to give master. Few know that dogs can predict behavior, if familiarity breed to which it belongs.

. Some own ers fail to deal with a dog is not trained. Prospective own ers are doing everything to find four-legged quiet to handle.
A four-legged Lord investing time and money and is responsible for any problems caused by pet. There are no written rules on the care that should benefit the animal. Some people think it is wrong to keep a dog in a small apartment, put her leash was short or grow it in crowded cities, but the worst thing is not ready to take care of it.

 Dog behavior

Whose temper is due to the animal? Like children, dogs form their behavior according to parents and some features. Through selective breeding led to some races that often give a proof of misconduct. The first weeks of life are critical for a puppy behavior.

One it em to note is if people recognize when baby is near mother and brothers. Injuries, illnesses and accidents will have a crucial role on dog behavior. Dog owner can influence behavior both good and evil. For many people who buy a dog does not know what criteria to consider when choosing race.

The main reason most people take their dog is to have a companion or partner to offer a children’s playground. Most people do not take into account temperament of the animal and do not know what aspects to note when looking for a dog. When buying a quadruped temperament should be top priority in his election. A moody and nervous dog can be dangerous around children and can become a bad company.

Many people believe that cross-breeds have a stable temperament, but this is totally wrong. Several years ago, got a dog from crossing breeds Spitz Chow Chow and killed a child. Dog used to kill small animals and knew the situation proved inappropriate behavior. This is an example of extreme behavior, but when buying a dog, especially if you take the other families, should be very cautious.

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